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1st Grade Words to Read and Write

1st Grade Vocabulary Words and Activity Ideas

First grade vocabulary words include words kids should know and understand at this age level. Students don't need to be able to spell or read the words to empathise their meanings. Vocabulary words are different from first form spelling words and even first form sight words. Get started learning new words with these lists of 1st course vocabulary words and their meanings.

Vocabulary word giving with definition Vocabulary discussion giving with definition

1st Grade Vocabulary Words With iii or 4 Letters

The grade ane national reading vocabulary listing developed past TampaReads includes 340 words kids should be able to read by the end of this school year. Most of these are short sight words, so you can learn these little words in addition.

  • calm (n.) - state of peace or beingness free from stress and worry
  • off-white (adj.) - honest and not favoring 1 side or the other
  • huge (adj.) - extremely large
  • let (five.) - to allow
  • lie (northward.) - something y'all say that isn't true
  • list (n.) - a series of things you lot write down
  • note (northward.) - short piece of writing
  • odd (adj.) - something not normal or, in math, something that can't be divided by ii

1st Grade Vocab Words With five or 6 Letters

Later on the beginning few weeks of school, first graders will exist given challenge words, bonus words, or a give-and-take of the mean solar day to acquire. These words volition be commonly heard or used in speech and contain most v or six letters.

  • annoy (5.) - to bother someone
  • earlier (adv.) - at an before time or came in front end of something else
  • decide (v.) - to make a choice
  • focus (v.) - to concentrate on something
  • giving (adj.) - generous
  • ignore (v.) - to avoid noticing something or purposely non pay attention to information technology
  • invite (v.) - to ask someone to do something or come up somewhere
  • heed (v.) - endeavour to hear someone or pay attention to something
  • notice (v.) - to acquire almost or see something for the first fourth dimension
  • often (adv.) - many times
  • pretty (adj.) - looks attractive
  • proud (adj.) - feeling expert well-nigh yourself for accomplishing something
  • study (n.) - spoken or written details nigh a specific affair
  • wonder (five.) - to want to know something or exist curious

First Grade Vocab Words With More than Than half-dozen Letters

Advanced students or kids who are doing well with vocabulary toward the terminate of the schoolhouse twelvemonth tin kickoff to move onto longer vocabulary words.

  • attention (n.) - your mind focused on something
  • comfy (adj.) - feeling relaxed and happy
  • consequences (north.) - what happens considering of some other activeness
  • notice (v.) - to acquire something new or find something
  • disappointed (adj.) - let down
  • embarrassed (adj.) - feeling shame that makes you uncomfortable
  • wearied (adj.) - feeling very tired
  • fascinating (adj.) - very interesting
  • frustrated (adj.) - feeling of beingness unhappy because you lot can't practise or have something
  • important (adj.) - having a lot of value
  • investigate (5.) - search into something to find the truth
  • miserable (adj.) - unhappy and suffering
  • negative (adj.) - not good or positive
  • question (five.) - request something or non believing something
  • suggestion (n.) - an thought that you're offering
  • uncomfortable (adj.) - feeling uneasy or broken-hearted
  • worried (adj.) - thinking about unpleasant things that happened or might happen

Vocabulary Activities for Offset Course

First course vocabulary activities mostly focus on kids hearing new vocabulary words or using them properly when speaking.

Vocabulary Password

Utilise one vocabulary give-and-take each week or each day every bit the spoken password kids need to use in a sentence to gain entry to something. At school they might need to tell yous their sentence to enter the classroom in the forenoon. At home they might demand to tell you lot their sentence before they can play a video game.

Vocabulary Story Count

Cull a vocabulary word that appears several times in a pic book or short story. You could also write a brusk story to go with each discussion. Read the story and inquire kids to go along count in their mind or on paper of how many times they hear the vocabulary give-and-take.

Dictionary Scavenger Chase

Write ane vocabulary word where kids can come across it. Give them a dictionary, make certain they know how to utilise information technology, then ask them to detect the give-and-take. If y'all have a children's dictionary, it will be easier. If the child can't read the definition on their own, they can show y'all where they found the discussion and you can aid read the definition.

1st Grade Vocabulary Learning Fun

Learning new words can brand kids feel empowered. Make vocabulary lessons fun with vocabulary games and activities and then kids don't get overwhelmed by all the new words. One of the easiest ways to get kids learning vocabulary words is through reading. Starting time with this list of bully reading books for showtime graders.

1st Grade Words to Read and Write
